Monday, December 2, 2013

Calm before the Storm

Well the weekend has now passed and we are all back "on the grind" as it's called. What does that mean anyway and why do we keep finding ourselves doing something that most of us hate? Does any one really like being awoken by an alarm clock? I sure don't.

Living in the basement of an elderly couple comes with its own set of alarms. Sometimes I wonder if I even need a reminder to get up from my phone. It never fails that there is shit to be given in the early A.M. from Gramma to Grampa. It all starts like this...

Dreams. Clouds. ZzZ's. The quiet slumber of sleeping making the night fly by without notice. Snow falling silently outside covering the sidewalks and roadways. Rejuvenation. I find it funny that as you get older it seems like you sleep less and less, waking up at 5 AM like its normal, and drinking mounds of coffee. Anyhoo, this morning did not disappoint in alarms. Gramma is going on a trip to Saskatoon (so fun to say) which is in Saskatchewan (also fun). She must have been excited to leave because she was awake much earlier than usual this morning. I awake to stomping and a few crash bams and booms of things being jostled about upstairs. My first reaction is to think that maybe I had overslept and I am now behind on my morning schedule. I immediately check my phone. Nope. WAYYYY too early. and nope. Husband, The Suit, is still sound asleep. I try to go back to sleep.
By this time Gramps is up (I assume from the noise as well) and I'm seeing it pan out in my mind. He is curious and investigates what is happening. In doing so, he must have said or done something to spark "the shit".  -The Shit I'm referring to is the kind a family member or friend gives to help you "wise up" but instead makes you feel like a complete dumbass. It's given with the best intention but probably has the worst impact but none the less is still given. "YOU HAVE TO GIVE 'EM SHIT!!" I've heard Gramma say so many times.-  I never know exactly what Grampa has done this time but Polish words are flying and the loud booming voices seem to flow through the air vents with the warm air. I stop to ponder how I could close that up and still get warmth and just give up when I hear the door fly open and BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM the stomping of feet to clear the snow off of shoes.
Big Mouth Phooey has just arrived and I realize sleep is now a lost cause. She has come to pick up Gramma to take her to the bus for her mini vacation. She has also joined in on the yelling and shit. Then comes the ever present CHING CHING CHING CHING CHING CLANG CLANG CHING. - Yes our house also transforms into a casino equipped with slot machines, bingo and loud music.- It's as if it just wasn't loud enough so something else had to be added to counteract the silence. The house is a full buzz now and its not quite 6:30 AM. I toss and turn and turn and toss. Pillow over my head. left. right. Blanket over my head. leg up. Now I'm too hot. leg out. Now I'm too cold. UGH. And then.....
BEEEEEP BEEEEP BEEEEEP BEEEEEP BEEEEEP. There's the alarm clock indicating the day needs to begin.

1 comment:

  1. I lived under that kitchen for 10 years. I feel your pain sister
