Tuesday, February 11, 2014

MINT: Adventures of the Hollow Cat

Disclaimer: Parts of this entry may or may not be exaggerated and made up for story line effect. Based on a true story.

Living in a basement has it's ups and downs. Where I'm from there are basically zero basements, so to me it's all down. Pun intended. I happen to be one of "those people" that gets freaked out easily just by some weird unexplained sound or murky feeling. I turn a recently watched horror movie into some real life event that could be deterred if and only if I turn on a light before walking in to any room. I have even been guilty of ripping back the shower curtain ... Just to check. Better to be safe than sorry.  If you can relate, you're not alone. If not, bare with me.
So the story begins on a cold blustery winter day. It seems just a bit cooler than most and something is just off. The heater creaks as it tries it's hardest to combat the cold drafts that find their way into the room through the crack underneath the door. It's a battle and the heater is losing judging by the constant clicking and moans that are exuding from it. A shiver runs down my spine. 
To get my mind of the three g's (ghouls goblins and ghosts), I decide to watch some brainless show. 
!!!!!!!! My hair stands on end! WHAT WAS THAT?! WHERE DID IT COME FROM?! Michael Myers? Jason? Freddy? Images from every horror film I've ever watched race through my mind to make one big ultimate horror story cascading over every thought. I whisper a faint "Hello?" then immediately slapped my forehead with my palm. I just pulled the infamous "horror film typical line muttered before the character gets killed" line. Great, I'm sure to die now. "Get ahold of yourself" I muttered before going to look for the culprit of the sound.
...... To be continued.